About Us
Bits ‘N’ Bytes Computers
Bits ‘N’ Bytes started out as an Atari Dealership, selling 400, 800 and ST computers in the 80’s. As the marketplace changed, they transitioned to PC’s and to service of existing systems. BNB has since focused on serving customer needs and solving customer problems, whether that means repairs to hardware or software, upgrading existing systems or helping the customer find and purchase hardware or software that will meet the customer’s needs.

The owner of Bits ‘N’ Bytes is Shaun McCausland, author of the popular “Geek Speak” Articles published in the Senior Sampler. He is here to assist you with advice, service and sales.
Our bottom line is helping you do what you need to do efficiently and as inexpensively as possible. We can also help you with other technology related needs or problems. Give us a try – you will find that we can assist you in the way that helps most without using “computerese” to confuse you. Just plain language and plain old-fashioned service.